Implemented investments

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High-voltage transformer station RPZ-4
Serwis Thermo King w Jeżewie Starym
Service Thermo King
WSZ im. Jędrzeja Śniadeckiego
Regional Hospital to them. Sniadecki
Carrefour Białystok
Carrefour Bialystok
Białostocki Park Naukowo Technologiczny
University Campus in Bialystok
Castorama Bialystok
Scania Service Station
Scania Service Station
Bialystok boulevards
Hala Sportowa przy ul. Kawaleryjskiej
Sports hall in Kawaleryjska Street
Agata Meble Bialystok
Outlet Białystok
Outlet Bialystok

Bialystok boulevards

Białystok boulevards

Investment implemented in 2014

Bike path running through flood plains with traffic lights and electronic surveillance.

Materials used – white asphalt, resin, Schreder street lighting, high definition cameras

Investor – the City of Białystok

PROBET carried out: ground works, road works, pylons, protective barriers, street lighting, traffic lights, electronic surveillance, green belts.